The BCFNJC has officially opened the first four Indigenous Justice Centres in Merritt, Prince George, Prince Rupert, as well as an online virtual centre.
The virtual grand opening on January 26, 2022, was organized by our very own Naut'sa mawt Event Management and had nearly 600 attendees.
"The BC First Nations Justice Council has been entrusted with the mandate to transform the justice system and create better outcomes for Indigenous people through implementation of the BC First Nations Justice Strategy.
The strategy, signed March 06, 2020, was jointly developed by the BC First Nations Justice Council, BC First Nations communities and the Province of British Columbia. It includes 43 actions along two paths which involve the reformation of the current system as well as the restoration of First Nations’ legal traditions and structures."
Registration is officially open for the November 2021 Online Proposal Writing Workshop!
NmTC would like to invite MEMBER NATIONS to attend this workshop facilitated by Laara Yaghujaanas and Mark Salter at Carden Consulting.
This workshop will be delivered over three weekly half days. Sessions are hands-on and also include post-event follow-up support online with materials and consult time.
November 23, 2021, 1:00-4:00 p.m. Proposal Design November 30, 2021, 1:00-4:00 p.m. Proposal Writing December 7, 2021, 1:00-4:00 p.m. Project Management and Accountability Cost: Free to all NmTC Member Nations Staff Location: Virtual, on Zoom
Laara E. Yaghujaanas, Mark F. Salter, and Justin C. Chrones make up the team at Carden Consulting. Carden Consulting was established in 1997 with more than twenty-five years of service excellence and experience in Nation Rebuilding and capacity building, with a focus on strengthening leadership, good governance/self-government, organizational development, community development, and research projects. To learn more about Laara, Mark, and Justin, please check out their website at and their Facebook page, Carden Consulting.
Register before November 18, 2021, by clicking here.
For inquiries, please contact Silver Anderson, Member Services Community Liaison, via email at