The community grant may be used by member Nations to assist with cultural and community initiatives that benefit a large segment of the community, provide opportunities for community members to come together, and offer a measurable benefit to overall community well-being.
The main avenue for Naut'sa mawt Tribal Council (NmTC) to provide direct financial support to its communities is through the Cultural and Community Grants program.
The primary objective of the program is to assist with cultural and community initiatives that benefit a large segment of the community, provide opportunities for community members to come together, and offer a measurable benefit to overall community well-being.
The amounts of funding and the conditions of funding for the Cultural and Community Grant funding program may be adjusted from time to time by the Board of Directors of NmTC. These changes shall not change the conditions or intent of the program unless specific changes are made by resolution of the Board of Directors.
For more information about the Cultural and Community Grant, please contact:
Edith Moore, Chief Administrative Officer