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Bringing together NmTC Member Band Administrators and CAOs to share knowledge, resources, and best practices. 

In addition to providing a space for collaboration and Nation-to-Nation sharing, the CAO network helps identify shared interests and prioritize member needs.

The Administrator Working Group is an internal information sharing group comprised of NmTC Member Nations Administrators, their self identified support staff, and NmTC Staff. The participants of the Administrator Working Group provide recommendations to the NmTC staff based upon the priorities of their Nations.


The Administrator Working Group meets monthly to discuss ongoing priorities within their Nations. This meeting serves as a means of communication for participants to:

  • Identify a priority of supports for Member Services.

  • Ensure that NmTC member services program are implemented in an effective and accountable manner that is consistent with the direction provided by members.

  • Provide feedback to ensure that Member Services provides relevant and impactful programs of collaborative benefit that realize efficiency and economies of scale.

  • Builds strong working relationships within this collegiate group through the sharing of best practices and resources.


Examples of successes from the CAO Working Group: construction of a Longhouse, creating a Health Society, opening a Daycare.

Member Services Team:

Edith Moore

Chief Administrative Officer

Debbie Minton

Executive Assistant to the CAO

Mikaela Whitelaw

Member Services & Communications Coordinator  

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