Qum qum stun squal wun
Make up your mind to be strong to get through this difficult times
- Elder George Harris Senior
To all NmTC Members,
Naut’sa mawt is committed to working with our member nations to support them during this unprecedented time. With limited resources, each of our communities are doing the very best work that they can to minimize the spread of the virus, reduce panic and provide basic support needs. Our NmTC Covid-19 Task Force is positioning itself to provide support to your community where we can.
One heart, One Mind,
NmTC Covid-19 Task Force
To Our Beloved Communities:
Out of love and concern for the health and wellness of all communities, the message we would like to share is to please isolate yourself, keep your distance from elders and people with chronic or severe health conditions, and, if you have to leave your home, go directly to your destination and return as soon as you are done. Limit your contact with anyone.
We urge all communities who have active businesses and organizations to please close your doors to protect everyone around you. Postpone any cultural activities, events, and funerals that were previously planned. We understand that this is a challenge, but we implore you to abide by the efforts of physical distancing (aka: social distancing) that is taking place within Canada. This is a serious situation, but we have faith there will be a positive outcome.
All of our communities are facing challenging times. This pandemic is something we have never experienced in our lifetime. Ground yourself by staying active, praying, turning to culture, and using other means of communication to visit with your neighbours (e.g. via phone, video calling, email, etc.). These measures will help you stay focused and take care of any situations that may arise.
“Qum qum stun sqal wun”, which means to “make up your mind to be strong so you can get through these difficult times” (Elder George Harris Sr., March 2020)
Protect yourselves and your families by:
Not letting anyone roam freely in and out of your home; you do not know where they have been or who they have been in contact with.
Protect your elders and loved ones with any health concerns by keeping your distance, but do call them to check-in and see how they are doing.
Do not hug anyone. Keep your distance and stay at least 6 feet apart.
Offer to pick-up food or other supplies for someone who cannot leave their home. Instead of going inside of their home, just leave the items at the door. Call them to let them know the supplies are outside.
Wash and/or disinfect anything that has been outdoors.
Clean all surfaces in your home that have been touched regularly, such as door handles, tabletops, doors, bathroom(s), kitchen counters, etc.
Please stop partying. You may unintentionally take home germs to your grandparents. You do not know where others have been and you may not know everyone at the party.
Phone your elders and talk to them. Update them on what is happening as some elders may not fully understand the extent of this COVID-19 pandemic. Isolation can be lonely, so turning to your elders for guidance, support, and conversation may be helpful to get through these challenging times.
Above all, please stay safe, be careful, and wash your hands.
Naut’sa mawt Tribal Council Elders’ Council
'Qum qum stun squal wun’, meaning ‘make up your mind to be strong to get through this difficult time’.
- George Harris Senior, Stz’uminus First Nation
Keep praying and… Stay in your homes, keep away from others, and protect elders and people with severe health conditions.
- Janet Moore, Halalt First Nation
Please stay home to not spread the virus… Ask elders or people with severe health issues if they need anything.
- Vera Peacey, Homalco First Nation
Phone your elders and talk to them; update them on what is happening, as some elders may not fully understand the extent of this COVID-19 pandemic.
- Elsie Paul, Tla’amin Nation