Food Sovereignty and Security Funding Opportunities
Updated: Mar 6, 2024
Funding related to Food Security & Food Sovereignty
Please check funder websites for the most up-to-date grant information. Contact meganc@nautsamawt.com for grant support.
Indigenous Peoples Resilience Fund
Indigenous Peoples Resilience Fund offers support to Indigenous-led organizations leading projects at the community level. Intake 32 opened Friday, March 1 and closes Friday, March 22. Intake 33 opens on Friday, May 1 and closes on Friday, June 21.
Telus Indigenous Communities Fund
The TELUS Indigenous Communities Fund offers grants up to $50,000 for Indigenous-led social, health and community programs. The Spring intake runs until March 29, 2024.
The second of three intakes for the Indigenous Food Security and Sovereignty (IFS) Grant administered through New Relationship Trust opens on May 1, 2024! The first funding intake filled up quickly, so while the application window for the second intake technically runs from May 1, 2024 through December 1, 2024, we encourage NmTC member Nations to get applications in early for the best chance of success. There are two funding streams for the IFS Grant:
Stream 1 (funding cap: $150,000): provides funding for activities and costs associated with the planning and design phase of a food security project.
Stream 2 (funding cap: $250,000): provides funding for activities and costs associated with the implementation of a food security project.
Indigenous Climate Health Action Program
FNHA’s Indigenous Climate Health Action Program is open again. Projects can focus on climate health in general or on developing a strategy or action plan to reduce climate change impacts on community health. Some examples of focus areas are:
Food security and food sovereignty
Access to land
Mental health
Traditional medicine
Traditional harvesting
Water quality and quantity
Expressions of interest are now being accepted on a rolling basis.
Recovery and Resiliency Fund - Vancouver Foundation
Flexible three-year grants of $50,000 and $72,000 per year to eligible organizations that have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic. Eligible organizations have an identifiable need to recover from the pandemic, a vision of its long-term resiliency, and needs additional financial resources to realize its vision; and had an annual operating budget in 2020 and 2021 of less than $1 million.
Deadline: October 5th, 2023.
Indigenous Food Systems & Agriculture Skills & Training Program
The Indigenous Food Systems & Agriculture Skills & Training (ISAT)program supports Indigenous Nations, communities, businesses, and organizations in increasing Indigenous participation in agriculture, seafood, food processing and related community economic development initiatives. ISAT funds activities involved in training and skills development, peer-to-peer learning, and revitalization of cultural and economic food harvesting and production practices. The 2023/24 program provides up to $80,000 of funding per project. Program funding is available to successful applicants for projects beginning on or after January 1, 2024 and must be completed no later than January 1, 2026.
Deadline: October 12th, 2023.
TELUS Indigenous Communities Fund
TELUS Indigenous Communities Fund offers flexible grants up to $50,000 for Indigenous-led social, health and community programs. Projects must clearly address a pressing social or well-being need and create measurable community outcomes. Projects that have been funded in the past include a community garden, STEM programming for youth, language revitalization, and wellness programs.
Deadline: October 13, 2023.
Climate Resilient Communities: Food Infrastructure Grant (FIG)
This United Way grant offers up to $20,000 to support rural, remote, and Indigenous communities to build food systems resilience to climate change. Eligible capital expenses include investments in infrastructure and equipment that promote climate resiliency, sustainable food practices and traditional food processing methods. Some examples are:
Solutions for sustainable growing, such as greenhouses, seed libraries, and garden boxes.
Equipment for traditional food processing, such as smoking, canning, curing, and freeze-drying.
Climate-resilient food infrastructure, including cool storage alternatives like root cellars
Deadline: Nov 20th, 2023
Critical Food Infrastructure Grant
This United Way grant aims to increase access to traditional and culturally preferable foods by supporting initiatives prioritizing Indigenous food sovereignty and regional self-determination. It aims to reduce barriers to food access such as high food costs, logistical challenges, and lack of food infrastructure. Eligible expenses include:
Purchase or lease of physical sites to receive, process, store and/or redistribute food to community members;
Dry or cold storage space to increase food-safe storage capacity and duration. For example, Food Safe Shelving and storage areas, back-up power and generators;
Logistics and Transportation. For example, refrigerated vehicles;
Food preservation equipment to extend shelf-life and facilitate year-round access to nutritious foods
Equipment to preserve food to extend the shelf life and provide year-round food access to nutritious foods;
Infrastructure to procure and grow food locally such as hunting, fishing, harvesting, gardening. For example, physical structures such as greenhouses, garden plots, community farms, machinery, equipment, water irrigation systems;
Shelters for animal husbandry;
Food infrastructure upgrades.
A maximum of 20% of the project budget could be directed to fund capacity for project implementation, e.g. staff time, labour or consulting
Funding available per agency: $5,000 to $100,000
Deadline: Nov 20th, 2023
Food Security & Food Sovereignty - New Relationship Trust
The Indigenous Food Security and Sovereignty Grant distributed through New Relationship Trust provides grants to Indigenous organizations and business in BC that want to participate in and receive financial supports to develop, expand, or strengthen their Indigenous food systems. There are two streams available:
Stream 1 (up to $150,000): funding for activities associated with the planning and design phase of a food security project
Stream 2 (up to $250,000): funding for activities associated with the implementation of a food security project
Deadline: Dec 1st, 2023 or when funds are exhausted.
This program offers funding to First Nations and Tribal Councils to support projects related to community well being and poverty reduction. Areas of particular focus for funding will include, but are not limited to, food security, social and cultural supports, employment, education and training, families, children and youth, mental health, and transportation.
Stream 1: Community Projects offers up to $100,000 for local food security initiatives, such as community kitchens or gardens that support training and social inclusion, as well as initiatives that provide employment and training opportunities (could be related to food skills or coordinator positions).
Deadline: Dec 31st, 2023
This program offers funding to First Nations and Tribal Councils to support projects related to community well being and poverty reduction. Areas of particular focus for funding will include, but are not limited to, food security, social and cultural supports, employment, education and training, families, children and youth, mental health, and transportation.
Stream 1: Community Projects offers up to $100,000 for local food security initiatives, such as community kitchens or gardens that support training and social inclusion, as well as initiatives that provide employment and training opportunities (could be related to food skills or coordinator positions).
Deadline: Dec 31st, 2023
TD Friends of the Environment Foundation Grant
The Foundation supports a wide range of environmental initiatives, with a primary focus on environmental education and green space programs. Eligible projects include schoolyard greening, park revitalization, community gardens, park programming and citizen science initiatives. Generally, funding requests range between $2,000 and $8,000.
Deadline: January 15th, 2023.
Edible Trees Program - Tree Canada
Funding is available to educational institutions, Indigenous communities, community groups or gardens, food banks, community housing projects, municipalities, or other groups interested in planting edible trees on publicly accessible sites. Up to $3,500 in funding is available per project.
Application form example: Edible Tree Program Application Form.pdf
Applications open in October of each year. Start planning your orchard now!
Farm to School BC - Farm to School BC Grants
School communities may apply for a maximum of $3,000 to launch their Farm to SchoolBC project. The amount granted will be dependent on the scope of the proposed program. A total of 30 grants will be allotted for the 2022 granting cycle. Projects may include building garden beds, foraging local food, growing indigenous plant gardens, small-scale farms, indoor growing spaces, and much more. For more farm to school program ideas, click here.
Applications currently closed, next intake will open October 2023.
First Peoples’ Cultural Council Heritage Stewardship Program
This First Peoples’ Cultural Council program offers four funding streams: climate change, digitization and archiving, oral histories and protocol, and sense of place. Several projects could be linked with food security and food sovereignty, for example, documenting the impact of climate change on local fisheries and other food sources. Applicants can apply for up to three streams within the program, each with a maximum of $25,000. See the detailed guidelines here.
Applications closed. Check back for future intakes and similar programs.
First Peoples Cultural Council Braided Infrastructure Pilot Project
The Braided Infrastructure Pilot Project (BIP) is a one-time funding opportunity from First Peoples Cultural Council. Up to $250,000 in funding is available for B.C. First Nations infrastructure projects that braid together arts, culture, heritage and languages. BIP will fund projects that conserve, repair or develop B.C. First Nations’ cultural heritage, arts and language infrastructure. This could include:
Historical, art, language and cultural places, archives and collections that are of collective value to a B.C. First Nation community.
Physical infrastructure such as buildings, trails and structures that support public and community access to:
Stories of historic places and the places themselves.
The transmission of community memory and traditional practices, crafts and trades.
Cultural materials that support telling the stories of historic sites and the transmission of community memory and traditional practices, arts and trades.
Art and language materials and forms.
Applications closed. Check back for future intakes and similar programs.
Community Grants Program - Canadian Roots Exchange
CREation is a multi-level funding program that supports strengths-based, community-focused and youth-led projects taking place in communities across Canada. Grassroot Indigenous youth groups/collectives (ages 15-29) are eligible to apply for funding to support community programs and projects, while receiving innovative mentorship, training and capacity-building opportunities. Funding will be provided to projects/groups that seek to create impactful community change and increase the wellness, resiliency and engagement of Indigenous youth. This program aims to support Indigenous youth to take ownership over the wellness of their peers and community. There are four streams:
Youth Empowerment Stream: Sprout – $2500
Partnership Stream – Parks Canada - $2,500-$5,000
Partnership Stream – Entrepreneurship - $2,500-$5,000
Medium Project Stream – $30,000
Applications closed. Check back for future intakes.
Gardens for Good Grant Program
The Gardens for Good grant program supports community gardens across North America that are growing organic food and making a difference in their communities. Sofar, Nature’s Path has supported 52 community gardens with more than $515,000 in grant funding.
Intake for 2023 closed. Check back in Spring 2024 for next intake.
SilverChef Community Grants Program
SilverChef is a B certified corporation that provides flexible equipment finance and funding to hospitality businesses and small communities. The Community Grants Program offers $5,000 to purchase selected ‘Certified Use’ commercial kitchen equipment ($3,750 credit plus $1,250 in cash to assist with freight & installation).
Application form: SilverChef_Community_Grants_Program_Application_Form_Canada_June2022.pdf (shopify.com)
Applications closed.
Whole Kids Foundation, aims to get kids knowing and connecting to their food, so they become more curious about how things grow or taste, and more willing to try new foods. This is why we believe in edible garden learning spaces! The Garden Grant program provides a $3,000 monetary grant to support a new or existing edible educational garden located at either a: K-12 school, or a non-profit organization that serves children in the K-12 range.
Application form: 2023-Whole-Kids-Foundation-Garden-Grant-Application_FINAL.pdf (wholekidsfoundation.org)
Applications closed.
Indigenous Food Systems & Agriculture Partnership Program – IAF
This program supports Indigenous communities, businesses, and organizations in increasing food security and sovereignty over their food systems and strengthens Indigenous peoples’ success within the agriculture and food sector. The program funds activities involved in agriculture, food processing, and/or food systems planning, training and skills development, technological adoption, productivity and profitability improvements, and climate change adaptations. $80,000 is available per project for a maximum of two years (Jan 1, 2023 to Dec 31, 2024).
Applications closed.
Heritage Infrastructure Program – First Peoples’ Cultural Council
Up to $250,000 in funding is available for First Nations organizations in B.C. with a focus that includes Indigenous heritage. The goal of this program is to assist First Nations communities to safeguard, revitalize and celebrate their heritage through heritage infrastructure projects. This can include First Nations bands, Tribal Councils and Indigenous led not-for-profit societies. Of note is that eligible projects include construction and upgrades to longhouses, bighouses, carving sheds, community meat freezers and meat processing stations.
Applications closed October 2022. Check back for future intakes.
Feed Opportunity Fund – Maple Leaf Feed Opportunity
The Feed Opportunity Fund is offering two funding streams this year: Project Grants to support initiatives that reduce barriers to food security; and Learning Grants for collaborative research or knowledge sharing initiatives. Both funding streams offer up to $150,000 per year and may be extended up to three years. Funding priority will go to collaborative initiatives working across organizations, government, and academia.
The program is undergoing restructuring. Sign up for their newsletter to be notified of when the program runs again:
Apply for Funding - Feed Opportunity
Real Estate Foundation - General Grants
REFBC’s grants program supports projects that contribute to sustainable land use and real estate practices. Grants can support: • Applied research • Public and professional education • Policy analysis and law reform. Grant dollars can be used for project-related costs, including staffing and program delivery, project coordination, communications, consultant fees, workshops, and travel. They are particularly interested in projects that support Indigenous rights and interests in land use and real estate.
Note: projects need other funding contributions as well, REFBC will only fund up to 50%
Applications open Winter (February) 2024.
B.C. Indigenous Agriculture Development Program – BC Government
The B.C. Indigenous Agriculture Development Program supports Indigenous people’s success in the food and agriculture sector. The program is divided into one stream for Indigenous governments, communities and organizations and another stream for Indigenous entrepreneurs. Each stream has two steps of financial support to work with a B.C. Ministry of Agriculture pre-approved Qualified Business Consultant. For governments, communities, and organizations:
Step 1 provides up to $5,000 for agriculture opportunities assessment.
Step 2 provides up to $10,000 for financial and business planning.
Community engagement top-up fund: During each step of the program, you are eligible for up to $2,000 of additional funding to support community engagement during your project.
Application intake is now closed. The program is under review, check back for news of future offerings.
Co-op Community Spaces Funding
The Co-op Community Spaces Program was established to improve community health and well-being by building places for Western Canadians to come together, build social connections and enable community development.
Projects can apply for between $25,000 and $150,000 in capital funding.
The program supports small-scale community agriculture initiatives in both rural and urban spaces, including community gardens and food education facilities.
Projects must be located in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan or Manitoba.
Projects must provide the opportunity for permanent signage.
Projects must be available and accessible for community use.
Application sample: SPONSORIUM - Proposal Request Form (co-op.crs)
Applications currently closed, check back for 2024 application dates. For inquiries please contact: communityspaces@fcl.crs
Indigenous Agriculture and Food Systems Initiative – Agriculture Canada
This grant is available specifically to advance economic opportunities through building capacity in growing, producing and selling food. Projects could include developing an approach to growing and selling fresh produce or building/sharing skills and knowledge to scale up or enhance a current agriculture project. Proposals are being accepted until September 30, 2022 and the initiative ends on March 31, 2023. Cannot exceed $500,000 a year.
Applications currently suspended due to high demand.