Funding Opportunities
Funding, Resources, and Opportunities
Adaptation, Resilience and Disaster Mitigation (ARDM) Program (flood mitigation infrastructure projects)
It is important for applicants to familiarize themselves with the requirements described in this guide prior to preparing their application. The application intake opens on July 15, 2022, and the deadline for application is October 7, 2022 (1:00pm PST). Projects must start no later than October 7, 2024 and projects must be completed no later than March 31, 2027. Applications will require a BCEID credential and access to LGIS (please review program guide asap if interested). For questions about this program contact the Emergency Management BC - Disaster Mitigation Unit by e-mail at EMBCDisasterMitigation@gov.bc.ca.
Emergency Management (Indigenous Services Canada [ISC])
• Emergency Management Non-Structural Mitigation and Preparedness Program (Call for Applications: 2022-2023 - open)
• Fire Protection in First Nation Communities (including funding for fire protection)
• Emergency Management FireSmart Program (Call for Applications: 2022 to 2023 - open)
Funding Programs for Climate Resilience (ReTooling for Climate Change)
Some “examples” (not a full list) of current funding include:
• Indigenous Community-Based Climate Monitoring Program—applications closed but opens again in the Fall 2022
• McConnel Foundation Grants: Supports activities that are aligned with at least one of three focus areas: Climate, Reconciliation & Communities. Applications are accepted on a continual basis.
• TD Friends of the Environment Foundation Grant: The Foundation supports a wide range of environmental initiatives, with a primary focus on environmental education and green space programs. Eligible projects include schoolyard greening, park revitalization, community gardens, park programming and citizen science initiatives. Winter submission deadline is Jan. 15.
• Urban Environment Sustainability Grant (Carthy Foundation): Funds initiatives that advance innovative policy & practice to enhance ecological systems in cities. Includes issues such as urban ecological design, water conservation, habitat and connectivity, green infrastructure, and natural capital practices.
• Vancouver Foundation Grants: multiple grants open from time to time—including Recovery & Resiliency Fund (covid-focussed) that has a deadline of Sept. 30, 2022. See website to monitor for grants available.
102 – 70 Orwell Street, North Vancouver, BC V7J 3R5
Tel 604.669.7305 I Fax 604.669.9832 I Toll Free 1.888.388.4431 I Email info@fness.bc.ca I Web www.fness.bc.ca
Indigenous Climate and Environmental Funding
Comment: there are 109 entries/categories of funding such as these (all current or ongoing):
• Local Food Infra Fund
• First Nations Adapt Program
• Indigenous Community-Based Climate Monitoring Program
• Indigenous Guardians Pilot
• Indigenous Partnerships for Nature-Smart Climate Solutions Fund
• Climate Change and Health Adaptation Program-South (FNHA)
• Contaminated Sites On-Reserve Program
• First Nations Baseline Assessment Program on Health and the Environment
• First Nations Environmental Contaminants Program
• Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund (Infra. Can.)
• Green and Inclusive Building (Infra. Can.)
Indigenous Peoples in Agriculture (Gov’t. of Can)
• AgriDiversity Program: The AgriDiversity Program aims to help under-represented groups in
Canadian agriculture, including youth, women, Indigenous Peoples, and persons with disabilities, to
fully participate in the sector by helping these groups address the key issues and barriers they often
face for sector participation.
Applications will be accepted from February 13, 2018 until September 30, 2022, or until funding
has been fully committed.
• Indigenous Pathfinder service - a one-stop shop for advice and referral to help navigate the relevant
information, tools and support available to start or expand activities in the agriculture and agri-food
sector. The service strives to ensure you do not miss out on support and other business opportunities
Indigenous Peoples Resilience Fund (Community Foundations of Canada $5,000-$30,000)
The IPRF will support Indigenous-led organizations leading projects at the community level….which
have been especially affected by Covid-19 and are working towards a new sustainability in this new
“normal” we are living in.
Pathways to Safe Indigenous Communities Initiative (Gov’t. of Canada)
This initiative provides funding to implement Indigenous-designed projects to improve community safety
and well-being.
102 – 70 Orwell Street, North Vancouver, BC V7J 3R5
Tel 604.669.7305 I Fax 604.669.9832 I Toll Free 1.888.388.4431 I Email info@fness.bc.ca I Web www.fness.bc.ca
Union of BC Municipalities: Funding Programs
For more information, contact Rebecca Bishop 250-387-4470 / cepf@ubcm.ca
• Community-to-Community Forum ($5,000)
• Disaster Risk Reduction-Climate Adaptation 2022/23 (intake deadlines: Sept. 30, 2022 and Feb. 24, 2023)
➢ Community Emergency Preparedness Fund: Disaster Risk Reduction – Climate Adaptation Stream (Intake closes September 30)
➢ Adaptation, Resilience and Disaster Mitigation Program: Green Infrastructure Stream (Intake closes October 7)
➢ Natural Infrastructure Fund (Intake closes September 27)
• FireSmart Community Funding and Supports (Applications accepted starting Oct. 1/22 for the 2023 intake. Webinar If registered held on Oct. 13/22)
• Emergency Support Services (ESS) - deadline Jan. 27, 2023 ($30,000)
• 2023 Emergency Operations Centres (EOC) and Training (deadline March 31, 2023, $30,000)
• Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation (multiple grants some provide $10,000 to $100,000 annually for a 3-year grant application)
• 2022 Volunteer and Composite Fire Departments Equipment and Training. Deadline: October 21, 2022.
• 2022 Indigenous Cultural Safety and Cultural Humility Training. Deadline: November 25, 2022